Database search

The databases contain references to articles, doctoral theses, statistics and business facts. You will also find encyclopaedias, audio recordings, sheet music, videos and other materials related to your subject.

Found 8 of 635 databases:

  • Cristin (Current research information system in Norway) ger möjlighet att söka bland artiklar, konferensbidrag, avhandlingar m.m. som publicerats vid norska lärosäten. Använd Cristin för att få en öv...

  • GUPEA - Gothenburg University Publications Electronic Archive. A fulltext database for e-publishing of dissertations, research reports etc. GUPEA uses the DSpace platform. (en)...

  • The Juuli portal contains information on the research publications produced at Finnish organizations.

    The publications of Finnish universities and hospital districts are included starting from year ...

  • Opin vísindi is the institutional repository for peer reviewed articles published in open access and doctoral dissertations by the Agricultural University of Iceland, the Iceland Academy of the Arts,...

  • This database is a comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses that includes searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day together with full-text d...

  • Skemman is a digital repository for the University of Iceland, the Agricultural University of Iceland, Bifröst University, Hólar University College, the Iceland University of the Arts, the University...

  • SwePub ger dig möjlighet att söka bland artiklar, konferensbidrag, avhandlingar m.m. som publicerats vid svenska lärosäten. Använd SwePub för att få en översikt av vad som skrivits inom ditt forsknin...

  • Magister- och kandidatuppsatser, det vill säga C- D- och Y-uppsatser från svenska högskolor och universitet. visar uppsatser lagrade i LIBRIS databas Uppsök. (en)...