Drygt 40 olika nyckeltal för cirka 800 branscher som presenteras i form av median och kvartilvärden där jämförelse sker på branschnivå och antal anställda. Branschnyckeltalens population omfattar sam...
Compustat covers financial accounting, economic and marketing data on US and foreign public companies. Access is granted via the WRDS interface. (en)...
CRSP, The Center for Research in Security Prices, is a collection of standard and derived securities prices, return, and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ. Access is granted via the WRDS inte...
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries ...
Databasen består av Kungliga bibliotekets (KB) inskannade SOU:er från 1922 - 1996 samt Riksdagens öppna data från 1997 till innevarande år. (en)...
The Gender Data Portal is the World Bank Group’s comprehensive source for the latest sex-disaggregated data and gender statistics covering demography, education, health, economic opportunities, publi...
The database contains gender statistics from all over the European Union (EU) and beyond, at the EU, Member State and European level. It is aimed at providing statistical evidence which can be used t...
Access to IEA's statistical databases, with coverage including CO2 Emissions from fuel combustion, Electricity information, Energy prices and taxes, Energy Technology R&D, Forecasts from Energy Polic...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) provides statistics on many aspects of international finance going back to 1948. The IMF eLibrary gives direct access to the IMF´s periodicals, books, working pa...
The International Data Base (IDB) is a computerized data bank containing statistical tables of demographic and socioeconomic data for countries and areas of the world. (en)...
International Historical Statistics (IHS) is a collection of statistics covering a wide range of economic and social issues. The collection includes data on the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oce...
Comprehensive database covering the world's mathematical literature since 1940. Access to the bibliographic data and reviews of mathematical research literature contained in the Mathematical Reviews ...
This National Accounts Statistics database contains a complete and consistent set of time series from 1970 onwards of main national accounts aggregates for all UN members states. (en)...
OECD iLibrary is the OECD's Online Library for Books, Papers and Statistics. It includes data and metadata for OECD countries and selected non-member economies. OECD iLibrary is also the gateway to O...
Passport is a resource of business intelligence on industries, countries and consumers. Over 200 countries are researched, both developed and emerging markets. All data is comparable across countries...
Market Intelligence (now known as Capital IQ Pro) contains news data and analysis covering financials, real estate, energy and utilities, materials (metals and mining), healthcare, industrials, consu...
I Statistikdatabasen finns större delen av den officiella statistik SCB ansvarar för. Dessutom finns officiell statistik från 13 andra statistikansvariga myndigheter. (en)...
Statistik över svenska tidningar och tidskrifter. (en)...
United Nations and agency statistics, covering economic, social, financial and development topics. (en)...