Database search

The databases contain references to articles, doctoral theses, statistics and business facts. You will also find encyclopaedias, audio recordings, sheet music, videos and other materials related to your subject.

Found 6 of 635 databases:

  • Business Source Premier is a full text business database, covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business. (en)...

  • Recommended

    A multidisciplinary database of indexed research literature on the earth sciences, including geology, human and physical geography, environmental sciences, oceanography, geomechanics, alternative ene...

  • Recommended

    GreenFILE indexes scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports about environmental concerns. (en)...

  • The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) is an essential online resource for social science and interdisciplinary research. IBSS includes references to journal articles, books, re...

  • Recommended

    Landguiden är en databas från Utrikespolitiska institutet. Förutom grundläggande fakta om jordens alla länder innehåller databasen kartor, länkar och möjligheter att göra egna statistikuttag. (en)...

  • Recommended

    Records selected from the CAB ABSTRACTS database. Worldwide information on the research and strategic development of leisure, recreation, sport, tourism and hospitality activities, facilities, produc...