- Recommended
Joint search in Education Database and ERIC. (en)...
- Recommended
A bibliographic and full text database covering scholarly research and information relating to all areas of education. Topics covered include all levels of education from early childhood to higher ed...
- Recommended
The ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) database is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education to provide extensive access to educational-related literature. The ERIC database correspo...
- Recommended
Multidisciplinary database covering scientific, medical, social sciences, arts & humanities and technical literature. An abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sou...
Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts on the Web is an indexing and abstracting tool covering health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations and education. ...
This volume explores education issues for people with disabilities and examines topics central to the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families. With a balance of history, theory, res...
Covers literature on primary, secondary, and higher education as well as special education, home schooling, adult education, and related topics. (en)...
The Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology comprises both major topic overviews and articles within a large perspective of education. (en)...
HEDBIB is a database on higher education systems, administration, planning, policy, and evaluation. It has been maintained by the IAU, International Association of Universities, since 1988 with contr...
Journals within the following subject areas: Computing and Mathematics, Economics and Finance, Education, Knowledge and Learning, Energy and Environment, Healthcare and Biosciences, Management and Bu...
International encyclopedia of Education is a multidisciplinary and international field drawing on a wide range of social sciences and humanities disciplines. (en)...
LearnTechLib (formerly EdITLib) Contains journal articles and conference papers related to all aspects of Educational Technology and E-Learning, published by the Association for the Advancement of Co...
Nordic Base of Early Childhood Education and Care (NB-ECEC) samlar ny kvalitetssäkrad skandinavisk forskning om barn i åldrarna 0-6-år i förskola och pedagogisk omsorg. Den riktar sig till alla som ä...
Extensive encyclopedia in education. Peer reviewed and updated regularly. (en)...
Joint search in Criminal Justice Database, Education Collection, IBSS, PILOTS, Politics Collection, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Social Sciences, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, Social Science Dat...
Provides an overview of classic and current research and future trends in the Social Sciences and Humanities, while at the same time providing an authoritative guide to theory, method and primary top...
SAGE eBook and eReference content. Access only to a selection of the titles on this platform. (en)...
Access to the following collections from
2005 to 2015: Behavioral Sciences, Biomedical & Life Sciences, Business & Economics, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Social Science & Law, M...
Taylor & Francis eBooks is a platform hosting electronic books published by the Taylor & Francis Group (including Routledge, Psychology Press, CRC Press and Focal Press) in the areas of humanities, s...