Database search - Gothenburg university library - EconLit (en)

EconLit (en)

References to economic literature: journal articles, books, theses, conference papers, working papers. Econlit adheres to the high quality standards of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) and is a source of citations and abstracts to economic research dating back to 1969. Provides comprehensive information on accounting, capital markets, econometrics, economic forecasting, government regulations, labour economics, monetary theory, urban economics and more. (en)

Available to the University of Gothenburg. Available to anyone using the libraries' computers
Alternative title:
  • Economics literature (en)
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  • Print article or chapter
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    ILL print or fax: Permitted "as such use is not prohibited in the copyright statement accompanying the content to be used, and they abide by copyright law"
  • Download article or chapter
    "/../ Authorized Users may download or print limited copies of citations, abstracts, full text or portions thereof provided the information is used solely in accordance with copyright law. Licensee and Authorized Users may not publish the information."