Database search - Gothenburg university library - Social Science Database (en)

Social Science Database (en)

Indexing and full text database covering core disciplines across the social sciences including sociology, social work, anthropology, politics and other areas, featuring journals from over 50 countries. (en)

Available to the University of Gothenburg. Available to anyone using the libraries' computers
  • ProQuest
Alternative title:
  • ProQuest Social Science Journals™ (en)
Terms of use
  • Print article or chapter
  • Download article or chapter
    "You and your Authorised Users may download or create printouts, including Course Packs/.../of a reasonable portion of the articles or other works/.../"
  • Print course pack
    Course pack print and electronic: Permitted
  • Upload course pack to learning management system
  • Scholarly sharing
    "You and your Authorised Users may provide to a third party colleague minimal, insubstantial amounts of materials/.../in a hard copy or electronically/.../"
  • Interlibrary loan
    ILL print or fax: Permitted