Database search - Gothenburg university library - Westlaw (en)

Westlaw (en)

Combining materials from several content providers Westlaw International offers a wide collection of legal and regulatory information dealing with all aspects of law. It covers most areas of the world, also international organizations such as EU, United Nations, WTO and international tribunals. The texts include case law, legislation, law reviews, treaties, directories, journal articles, commentaries and other texts, full text or summaries. (en)

Available to the University of Gothenburg. Available to anyone using the libraries' computers
  • Thomson Reuters
Alternative title:
  • International materials on Westlaw (en)
Terms of use
  • Print article or chapter
    Subscriber may /.../ print Extracts for internal use /.../
  • Download article or chapter
  • Print course pack
    /.../ for Academic Institutional Subscribers, print or electronic course packs, including legal research manuals/learning guides /.../
  • Upload course pack to learning management system
    /.../ for Academic Institutional Subscribers, print or electronic course packs, including legal research manuals/learning guides /.../